Greengate Junior School and Ramsden Infant School will hold a public consultation next week to discuss their academisation plans.

The Barrow schools, already federated, intend to join South Cumbria Multi-Academy Trust (SCMAT). A meeting will be held at Greengate on May 15 at 4.30pm, offering a presentation, opportunity for questions to senior SCMAT members and current headteachers.

Questions can be submitted online or asked in person.

Mrs Jackson, along with Professor Andrew Wren, Executive Head Teacher and CEO of SCMAT, will spearhead the session.

In addition to discussing academisation, Professor Wren discloses the Trust is considering merging Ramsden Infant and Greengate Junior into one entity following successful integration into the Trust.

Headteacher Sue Jackson said: "Greengate School celebrated 150 years of education last year and we have been looking at the future to ensure this school is successful for the next 150 years.

"Our decision to academise has followed a series of in-depth meetings with Trust leaders, governors and our staff and we unanimously think that there are significant benefits to our pupils of being part of this collaboration.

"In addition, the Trust’s commitment to each school’s individuality fits with our ethos of maintaining what is very special about Greengate and Ramsden schools."

Professor Andrew Wren, executive headteacher and CEO of the trust, said: "This would ensure that pupils have a seamless transition from infants to juniors, and would also remove the current requirements for parents and carers to apply for a place for their children who are heading into Year 3 at Greengate.

"Parents and pupils would see little other change should this go ahead as the two schools are already federated under Sue Jackson, as Head Teacher, and one Governing Body. This would remain the case should the two schools formally merge."