The following cases have been heard at Southampton Magistrates' Court...

ADRIAN WRIGHT, 38, of Byron Road, Southampton was found guilty of two counts of failing to give information relating to the identification of a driver or rider of a vehicle when required. These relate to a Peugeot and a Vauxhall. Wright was fined £1,000 and received 12 points on his licence with a six-month driving ban. He must pay £110 court costs and a £440 surcharge. 

PAUL WILKINSON, 39, of Surrey Road, Poole admitted to drink driving a silver Vauxhall Astra on the A31 westbound near Burley. Wilkinson was caught with 43 micrograms of alcohol in 100ml of breath. He was banned for 12 months and fined £566. Wilkinson was ordered to pay £85 court costs and a £222 surcharge. 

THOMAS PERKINS, 30, of Minchin Road, Romsey pleaded guilty to drink driving at Ganger Farm Road in Romsey. He was caught with 64 micrograms of alcohol in 100ml of breath. Perkins was banned from driving for 17 months and fined £500. He must also pay £85 court costs and a £200 surcharge. 

Read our previous round-up here.

JAY MOODY, 24, of Lynden Gate, Southampton admitted to drink driving on Southampton Road, Eastleigh. He was caught with 60 micrograms of alcohol in 100ml of breath. Moody was banned from driving for 17 months and fined £160. He must pay £85 court costs and a £64 surcharge. 

LEWIS RICHARDSON, 36, of St Vincent Road, Gosport pleaded guilty to drug driving on Gosport Road, Fareham. He was banned from driving for 36 months and fined £120. He must also pay a £48 surcharge.

ISABELLE ROYAN, 21, of Carisbrooke Court, New Milton admitted drug driving a Vauxhall Corsa on Totton High Street. She also pleaded guilty to possessing a controlled drug of Class B after she was found with ketamine. Royan received a 2-year community order with 15 rehabilitation days and a 20-month driving ban. She was fined £161 and must pay £85 court costs plus a £114 surcharge. An order was made for the forfeiture and destruction of the drugs.