Cross Hands-based business, Do Goodly Dips, has won a series of contracts to put its range of plant-based dips on Tesco shelves across the UK.

The deal is the largest yet in its partnership with Tesco and includes three new meal pots - Chip Shop Curry, Mushroom Carbonara and Mac and Greens - along with a newly launched Chip Shop Curry-flavoured sauce.

Founded in 2021 by Richard Abbey and Michelin-trained chef Scott Davis, Do Goodly Dips offers entirely plant-based products that are suitable for both vegans and vegetarians.

In addition to their environmental benefits, the dips also contribute to consumers' health, as they are low fat, contain no added sugars and are a source of protein. Consistent with its business ethos, Do Goodly Dips donates 10 per cent of its profits to the mental health charity, Mind.

Do Goodly Dips has a growing relationship with Tesco, having previously placed several plant-based dips into Tesco stores. The firm was recently selected to join Tesco's new accelerator growth programme, set to further enhance Richard Abbey's and the Do Goodly range's presence across Tesco's stores throughout the UK and online.

Tesco Wales buyer Nathan Edwards said: "The plant-based category has been growing exponentially in recent years and it doesn’t look like it’s going to slow down. Do Goodly has been leading the charge in Wales and its products appeal to all customers, not just vegans and vegetarians.

"The company’s innovative range, focus on sustainability including using 100 per cent recyclable packaging and the 100 per cent plant-based products are just some of the reasons why Do Goody have been such a pleasure to work with, and we look forward to reaching even higher heights with this exciting Welsh small business."

Headquartered in Cross Hands, Do Goodly Dips also takes pride in its local contribution, with all the company's products made in Wales by Welsh people. The business is currently a finalist in the Food & Drink Wales Awards' Scale-up of the Year and Entrepreneur of the Year categories.