A new report has identified two New Forest castles as being some of the most at-risk sites due to coastal erosion. 

Hurst Castle in Milford-on-Sea and Calshot Castle have both been listed as being heavily impacted by erosion in the report published by construction supplies, Aggregate Industries. 

Data shows that sea levels are expected to rise by a further metre by 2100, with the report suggesting that the total cost of coastal erosion is more than the previously estimated £12 billion. 

The figures come just three years on from a devastating storm that saw the partial collapse of Hurst Castle, exposing the building's interior and leaving the foreshore covered in huge chunks of masonry. 

English Heritage said the storm was to blame for the incident, exacerbating underlying issues and prompting the rapid collapse of the wall. 

READ MORE: Storm blamed for partial collapse of Hurst Castle

Other castles outlined in the report are Tintagel Castle in Cornwall, Piel Castle in Cumbria, Bayard’s Cove Fort in Devon and Garrison Walls in Scilly. 

Combined, the castles require more than £275,000 in repairs and sea defence support in order to survive the growing crisis.

The report also highlighted several other UK landmarks at risk of disappearing like Jurassic Coast, Brighton Pier, the White Cliffs of Dover, Royal Albert Dock, and Caernarfon Castle.

Daily Echo: Part of the outer wall of the east wing of Hurst Castle collapsed.Part of the outer wall of the east wing of Hurst Castle collapsed. (Image: NQ)

Lee Sleight, Managing Director of Aggregates Division at Aggregates Industries, said: “In the face of the relentless and escalating threat of coastal erosion, we stand at a critical juncture where the silent force of the seas is reshaping the very fabric of our nation.

“The disheartening reality is that land, present merely 50 years ago, has vanished, and the forecasted rise in sea levels by a metre over the next century paints a dire picture, with many of the UK’s most iconic landmarks at risk of not being around for future generations.

“While the government's commendable commitment of £5.2 billion aims to protect vulnerable locations, the enormity of the challenge demands more.

"As we confront this unprecedented crisis, our collective responsibility is not merely to adapt but to innovate, fortify, and safeguard the resilience of our coastlines for generations to come. And we have the solutions to do so."