Campaigners claim a £1m bus improvement scheme in Totton town centre could put lives at risk by leaving cars trapped on a level crossing.

Hampshire County Council has drawn up proposals to create a new bus-only route by reopening the junction of Commercial Road and Junction Road.

Now, critics have warned that the controversial project could cause a major safety issue.

They say northbound buses approaching from Rumbridge Street will often have to stop at the spot where Junction Road meets Maynard Road, causing queues stretching back to a nearby level crossing.

Daily Echo: Buses waiting to turn right into Junction Road could result in other vehicles being stranded on a nearby level crossing, critics sayBuses waiting to turn right into Junction Road could result in other vehicles being stranded on a nearby level crossing, critics say (Image: Newsquest)

Concerns were raised at a site visit attended by planning officers, Totton councillors David Harrison and Neville Penman, and Cllr Nick Adams-King, the county council's cabinet member for universal services.

READ MORE: Plan to reopen junction in Totton town centre put on hold after protests about the scheme

Posting on social media, Cllr Harrison said Cllr Adams-King listened carefully to objections to the scheme.

He added: "I found out that the cost might amount to £1m - and we have the prospect of months of work being carried out, which I know will cause massive disruption.

"Along with all the other roadworks being carried out, I need another scheme like I need a hole in the head.

Daily Echo: Campaigners say a £1m road scheme could result in cars being stranded on a level crossing at Junction Road, TottonCampaigners say a £1m road scheme could result in cars being stranded on a level crossing at Junction Road, Totton (Image: Newsquest)

"I raised safety concerns about opening up the northern end of Junction Road for buses only, not least that it interferes with walking and cycling.

"Neville raised the biggest safety concern, which is that the scheme introduces a new risk involving the train gates.

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"If buses have to wait to turn right into Junction Road, traffic behind will come to a halt. It's easy to imagine a situation whereby a car gets struck on the crossing when the gates come down.

"I told them that this only needs to happen once and everyone will blame the county council for introducing a risk that doesn't apply now.

"They have agreed to think very carefully about all the points put forward and discuss them with the road safety team."

Cllr Harrison told the Daily Echo: "The crossing is monitored by cameras but who could guarantee an approaching train driver would be contacted and have time to stop before the worst happens?"

A county council spokesperson said: "Our officers have met with local councillors to discuss their concerns regarding the proposed bus improvement scheme at Junction Road.

"Further work is now being undertaken, seeking to address the issues raised."