NEARLY 30 people are objecting to new plans for houses near a Test Valley nature reserve. 

Stratland Estates submitted an outline application for nine 'self-build' houses, parking, access, landscaping and woodland management on land north of Oxlease Meadows, Romsey.

This is the third plan for this area with 43 homes refused by Test Valley Borough Council and quashed at an appeal. Another application for 40 homes was submitted while the appeal was being decided, but was subsequently withdrawn.

By Wednesday, May 8 the scheme had received 29 objections. It also received opposition from Romsey Town Council's planning committee and Romsey and District Society's natural environment committee. 

Jacqueline Benbow, of Oxlease Meadows, said: “This site adjoins the Fishlake Meadows Nature Reserve and is a SSSI so there is significant concern about further housing in this vicinity.

"The development's close proximity to the Fishlake Meadows Nature Reserve raises concerns about potential environmental and ecological disruptions. 

Daily Echo: Nine home plans for Oxlease Meadows

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“The additional traffic through a privately maintained residential road raises substantial safety and quality-of-life concerns for residents, particularly to the local children.” 

Peter Manning, of Mercer Way, said there is too much development between Cupernham Road and the Fishlake Meadows nature reserve.

He said: "This development in particular will further intrude on views from the footpath by the Barge Canal; the current usage of this land provides a buffer between the housing closer to Cupernham Lane and the nature reserve, both for visual amenity purposes and wildlife. 

“Consideration in local development plans has been given to where in the local area necessary housing should be built; this is not such a location.”

Romsey Town Council's planning committee submitted an objection after its meeting on April 18.

They said the scheme was against the local plan, specifically development in the countryside.

They added that Test Valley Borough Council had an adequate five-year land supply elsewhere and the recent appeal decisions. 

The application's planning statement argues that it forms a "natural extension to the Oxlease Meadows development and presents the opportunity to provide additional housing against the minimum housing requirement as set out in the Local Plan."

It added: “The proposals will also help the council to meet an identified shortfall in custom and self-building housing within the borough, and will have no significant impact on neighbouring areas.”

For more details about the application online, search 24/00737/OUTS on Test Valley Borough Council's planning portal.