A UNIQUE cabin crew training course has been launched at a Hampshire college to make use of its “fantastic facilities”.

The first group of students have completed the scheme, which is run as a collaboration between Skypeople, Aviation Skills Partnership and CEMAST.

No previous qualifications are required for the course and it is available for anyone over the age of 17.

Daily Echo: Students take part in a water drill as part of their learning

Collette de Stowe, head of training at Skypeople, said: “Once candidates have passed the course and reached the age of 18, they will be ready to apply to the airline of their choice and take on specific company training.

“Cabin crew training is a massive cost for airlines, so it is ideal for them to get applicants who have already passed to the required standards.

“If you are thinking of a career as Cabin Crew, this training is sure to put you one step ahead of the competition.

“CEMAST is the perfect location to deliver the course because of it has outstanding facilities.

“We are delighted to come on board with them to offer this unique opportunity.”

Daily Echo: Students take part in a water drill as part of their learning.

The week-long course includes sections on passenger handling, crew resource management, safety, emergency procedures, and survival training.