The third round table discussion held once more at Chilworth Manor produced a lively and interesting debate on and around property and construction matters.

The general consensus, as on previous occasions, was that we live and operate in a relatively successful area of the South Coast. In particular, Winchester was singled out as being the prosperous centre for business ,investment properties and offices in that area being at a premium due to demand outstripping supply whereas , in other south coast cities it was felt that the situation was more stacked in favour of the purchaser .

The upbeat mood continued with many comments about the need to remain positive and agreement that it is entirely possible to talk ourselves into recession. We need to be able to adapt and react to change. In other words the cup should be seen as half full, rather than half empty.

One positive factor that has helped some companies in recent times, is the attitude of HM Revenue and Customs. By them being more flexible over outstanding tax and repayments, many smaller companies have been able to survive potential insolvency.

However, it would appear from comments all around the table, banks are still not helping businesses as much as they could. One delegate gave an example about bank loan offered to his company which was over twice the interest rate of a personal loan offered. Indeed, as another member at the table pointed out, these days every company should have more than one bank.

It was felt that they were now being too cautious after being a little too generous in the past.

In answer to the question about the possibility of a double dip recession, everyone felt that it was now a receding possibility. With a positive attitude, the right product, in the right place, a well run company can and will survive to prosper again as the economy improves .