JADED TV star, Peter Graham (Michael Grist) flees from his amorous female fans to his Uncle’s vicarage, to find that he’s not the most desirable man in the house, after his hapless Uncle (Paul Woodford) places a poorly executed ad in the personal column of The Times.

What follows is a witty and farcical romp.

Woodford plays the Rev. Arthur with a wholly appropriate bewildered air as he realises what he’s unleashed.

This is contrasted with the fury of his long-suffering sister (Penelope Wright), who gave a flawless performance. Holding the family together through the eschewing madness is the housekeeper (Sandi Cox) admirably played and drawing many laughs as she fawns over her TV hero.

Grist handles the demanding role of the star well, with some accomplished physical comedy, but needed to believe in his abilities, as his clear talent felt a little suppressed at times. Attention to detail and some considered directorial (Dawn Cresswell) touches complete the picture, and what a picture!

Rebecca Case