THERE can be few meetings more anticipated and anxietyridden than the potential in-laws meeting for the first time, but for Jean-Michel (Matt McGrath) it is to be avoided at all costs as Mum is a performing gay transvestite and Dad the drag nightclub owner.

However, his beloved is the daughter of a homophobic politician.

The star of the show is Albin (Iain Steel), whose performance was deeply touching as well as funny.

His partner Georges (Dave Curtis) plays the straight man, so to speak, and his warmth and charm compliment the exuberant displays that Albin excels at.

Then there is Jacob (Christian Coelho) with his uproarious physical displays and the sharply choreographed dance troupe, who showed us what they were made of!

The key elements of lighting, sound and set and props transitioned us between the opulent, yet seedy club and the wider world.

The costumes were sumptuous and we shouldn’t forget the accomplished orchestra. With expert direction (Samuel Quested) this show deserved the standing ovation it got.