
Lyndhurst Drama and Musical Society

Vernon Theatre, Lyndhurst

Lyndhurst presented the most action-packed version of Cinderella that I’ve ever seen, with a coven of witches, Blind Date, with our very own Cilla and the Baron holding castle tours to make ends meet. The script was full of content but the set (Rob Davis and Brian Buck) and props surpassed even that, with a revolving bookcase and secret fireplace entrance. The costumes (Di Buck) were also numerous, with a large chorus, two dames, a pig and a spider to clothe, not forgetting the obligatory wedding scene finale.

The ugly sisters, Potterina (Neville Green) and Lavatrina (Richard Barnett) were well matched, their contrasting figures and expressions were visually funny and they had created Dahl-esk characters that played off each other. Their mother, Zelda (Louise Dibden), supported by Trick (Jaymes Mackrell) and Treat (Tilly Emm) was a truly dislikeable and black-hearted character to boo and hiss. Their entrances were enhanced the eerie lighting (Andy and Deirdre Bennett).

The pace dropped at times but the action never stopped.

Rebecca Case