We Were There

Redlynch Players

Landford Methodist Church Hall

"I Don't know how to love Him" so emotes the Tim Rice lyric of this carefully chosen song as part of Mary Magdalene's monologue continues with the line "I just couldn't cope" which neatly encapsulates much of the premis of this reflection of the Easter story.

Each character, be it Peter, Judas, Pilate's wife etc justify their feelings on how the death of Jesus impacts on their lives. Mary's grief for the loss of the child against Mrs Caiphuss' irritation at having to add therapy to her list of daily appointments; or Peter's subsequent fear of the dawn and Mrs Pilate trying not to interfere in her husband's work. Red pashmenas were a nice costume touch, wrapping the characters in the bloodshed that was to come.

This conceptual performance held a packed audience focussed, using 20th Century language and idium, to give a thought provoking set of viewpoints, some known and others conceived, of the supporting acts in this timely narrative.

David A Putley