Wyrd Sisters

The Worthy Players, Jubilee Hall, Kings Worthy

Shirley Lovell - this production's Granny Weatherwax and main Director- as well as acknowledging Assistant Directors Alison and David Woolford, explains that this play was chosen to mark the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death, as this group knows its limits and feels that learning Shakespeare is well beyond them. And yet tackling one of Stephen Briggs' adaptations of a Terry Pratchett novel seems much more challenging!

While every scene of the Bard's plays advances an exciting story, every line and character gives each actor something to relish, the 23 scenes of this piece, a mickey taking version of 'Macbeth' transferred to Discworld with extra 'Shakespearean' elements thrown in, depends on what's vaguely familiar, plus the odd joke about subjects such as insurance.

On the positive side, the costumes are sumptuous, the effects good and the cast performs faithfully - not least Lovell, with Gina Bird and Kirsty Turner as the other witches, David Mackie as a capering Fool, Sam Muir, 'unshaven' in a trouser role, Tim Elwood and Barbara Kearns as the Macbeth like Lancres.

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