SPONTANEOUS applause greeted the Portugese timeshare apartment set that provides the location for two holiday assignations.

Commander Chittenden (Tom Martin), as the holiday representative then sets about accidently destroying part of it as he prepares for the very first visitors.

Eve (Vivienne Price) and Leslie (Mark Austin) duly arrive, but the apartment has been doublebooked by Henry (Derek Kearey) and Mary (Janet Price).

Mayhem follows as both thinks the other to be the domestic help and that they only speak Portugese.

The shortsighted Commander is of little use as he begins to consume more of the provided alcohol.

Henry’s suspicious sister-inlaw, Celia (Jeannie Ellis), arrives to check on him and more confusion entails.

All the cast, including newcomers Debbie Butterworth and Mike Tong, combined to provide the audience with hilarious moments, even if some of the effect was diluted by occasional lapses of words recall.

Director Jane Hilliard has provided an entertaining evening.