AN ART exhibition featuring the work of a Christchurch artist who specialises in portraits of figures from the world of rock and pop is on now.

Elvis, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards and Jimi Hendrix are among some of the faces which are on the wall at the Regent Centre which features portraits by Peter Castle.

The 27 Club series of portraits by Peter returns for this exhibition at the Regent.

It is a nine-picture tribute to musicians who have left their considerable mark on all who appreciate their music, but died at the age of 27.

This includes singers Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Amy Winehouse, rapper Tupac Shakur and Kurt Cobain of Seattle band Nirvana.

Portraits of notable people from Christchurch are also on display including a picture of homeless man Cliff Cunningham, which was entered for the BP Portrait Award at the National Portrait Gallery in London 2013.

Peter Castle’s exhibition is at the Regent in Christchurch from Tuesday, December 30 until Friday, January 23.