It has been four years in the making but a community has celebrated the opening of its new skatepark.

The £70,000 project, built in Nursling, which is designed for skateboards, skates, scooters and BMX bikes, has been officially opened.

It has been funded off the back of developer contributions released by Test Valley Borough Council after residents were consulted about how they would like the money used.

Nursling and Rownhams Parish Council has installed the facility, on Nursling Recreation Ground – an achievement that has taken four years to come to fruition.

Around 50 youngsters were there to see it opened alongside local councillors and police. Mayor of Test Valley Dorothy Baverstock declared the skate park open and four children from Nursling and Rownhams primary schools cut the ribbon.

Parish council clerk Lorraine Wheeler said: “Every day since it opened there has been about 50 children down there, it’s unbelievably popular – they were just so desperate to get on there.”