A NURSE who bedded one of his patients after confessing to having “impure” thoughts about her has been kicked out of the profession.

Paul Robinson slept with the woman twice after deluging her with text messages and phone calls.

Robinson started pursuing the woman, known as “service user A”, from the moment she was discharged from the crisis team at Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust.

A string of charges against him were found proved at a Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) hearing in central London.

Panel chairman Edward Lucas said his actions were “fundamentally incompatible” with him remaining as a registered nurse.

He said: “His actions caused direct harm to a service user in her own home and this caused her to delay seeking help for fear he may be involved in her care.

“He committed a fundamental breach of trust in a privileged position and put a vulnerable service user at significant risk of harm.

“It is clear he knew what he was doing was wrong yet he committed the misconduct regardless.”

Robinson started pursuing the patient as soon as she was discharged and organised frequent meetings.

“The meetings were all motivated by a desire on the registrant’s part to pursue and eventually carry out a sexual relationship with service user A,” said Miranda Stokesbury, for the NMC.

“The registrant later told her that at the meeting at work when she was discharged, he had impure thoughts about her.

“His subsequent actions were all motivated by a desire to pursue those impure thoughts.”

The patient had been referred to the crisis team where Robinson worked after suffering a mental health breakdown.

She received treatment and had recovered sufficiently to be discharged from the team’s care, on August 1, 2010.

Robinson admitted he and his former patient met up for illicit dates at Costa Coffee in Eastleigh town centre following her discharge.

He then visited her twice at her home at the end of October 2010 to have sex with her.

“Once she had been discharged from the crisis team, the contact between him and the service user should have ceased,” said Ms Stokesbury.

“He would have known it was highly unorthodox approach to take, to make home visits after service user A was discharged.

“In spite of knowing it was wrong to make home visits, he did so anyway in order to pursue a sexual relationship.”

The patient reported Robinson on November 16, 2010, when she needed to be readmitted to the crisis team.

Robinson, who did not attend the NMC hearing, denied having sex with the woman, claiming the home visits were unauthorised efforts to continue her care.

He admitted failing to report concerns over service user A’s wellbeing and has confessed to swapping texts with her between August and October 2010.

But the nurse denied he expressly gave her his personal mobile phone number.

He further denied his actions towards service user A were sexually motivated.

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