A SOUTHAMPTON man died after years working on the docks where “asbestos would shower down on everyone like snow”, an inquest heard.

John Milne, of Cornwall Road, who died aged 92, worked during the 60s as a stevedore at Southampton Docks loading and unloading sacks filled with asbestos on the Union-Castle boats which transported goods from South Africa.

Mr Milne died on September 7 at South-ampton General Hospital after battling cancer for a number of years.

In a statement made to his solicitors for a compen-sation claim Mr Milne said: “The asbestos had been put in hessian sacks.

"It was not uncommon for the sacks to hit the sides of the ship and, because they were so tightly packed, the sacks would burst.

"The asbestos would shower down on everyone like snow and we would be covered with a fine powder.”

A verdict of death due to industrial disease was recorded.