WITH the warmer weather coming in, we take a look back at a heatwave from yesteryear – during the summer of 1974.

There were the hottest average summer temperature on record, with most places registering less than half the usual amount of rainfall, consequently resulting in a drought.

Scores of people flocked to the water, including Weston Shore where they cooled down with a dip in the sea and a lick of an ice cream.

Many opted for Southampton Lido on Western Esplanade where they could safely swim and frolic in the cool waters. The only problem being that space was limited and the queues were large.

Some cooled off their dogs with hoses, whilst the staff at Southampton Zoo cooled down elephants in the same way.

Southampton sports centre was busy too, with people cooling off on the snow – albeit fake snow.

Those running the dry ski slope made the most of the temperature spike by holding a friendly competition.