THE club was established in the early 1900s, and was originally called Southampton Hockey Club.

Trojans Club already existed at this time, but only had sections for cricket and rugby – although Southampton Hockey Club merged with Trojans for a brief spell between the First and Second world wars.

In the 1950s they reunited once more to make Southampton

(Trojans) Club, and then later becoming Southampton Trojans Club. The club changed their name one more – to Trojans Hockey Club – as it is still known today.

Despite the majority of matches taking place at Fleming Park, the clubhouse was based in the Polygon area of Southampton.

The hockey section grew rapidly, and they began playing games at both the Hampshire County Cricket Ground in Northlands Road and at the Atherley School in Hill Lane.

The club purchased playing fields at Stoneham Lane, moved the teams there, sold their clubhouse in Southampton, and gradually expanded their new premises into what it is today.