A Gorse Hill man has admitted to indecently exposing himself near the communal bin storage area of the flats where he lives.

Enrico Rippa, of Hinton Street, appeared in the dock at Swindon Magistrates Court on Tuesday morning and pleaded guilty to one count of exposure.

Tom Power, prosecuting, explained that on April 26, 2024, police responded to a report from a member of the public about someone exposing their genitals at a block of flats.

He added: "They found the defendant in the communal bins area naked from the waist down.

"In interview, he said he was not exposing himself to anyone in particular. He had a fantasy of getting caught by anyone when he exposed himself.

"He can't remember what he was doing at the scene due to the amount of alcohol he drank."

The 60-year-old has been released on unconditional bail until he is due to return to the magistrates court for sentencing on June 17.

In the meantime, the probation service will prepare a report about the defendant's previous convictions and offer guidance for suitable punishments.