A "PROUD" dad who won today's Worcester marathon celebrated by crossing the finish line with his children by his side.

It was a first for Carl Salmon as he won his first-ever marathon after completing the Tempo Events marathon at Worcester Rugby Club.

Worcester News:  Carl Salmon crossing the finish line with his children. Carl Salmon crossing the finish line with his children. (Image: Newsquest)He was one of over 1,000 runners who braced for the heat today (Sunday) and took part in the marathon, half marathon, or 10k.

Mr Salmon, from Malvern, ran the London Marathon last month and said running across the Malvern Hills has helped him train.

Worcester News: The 10K runners at the starting line.The 10K runners at the starting line. (Image: Newsquest)"It feels amazing - this is my first ever win, and it is so hot out there. It was hard work.

"My children always come to see the races, it's lovely to have them here.

"It was also lovely to cross the finish line with them.

Worcester News: Half Marathon runners crossing the finish line.Half Marathon runners crossing the finish line. (Image: Newsquest)"I am proud to have the little ones with me.

"You don't feel like you are alone but part of a team."

Runners of all abilities took part in the annual marathon, which is in its 13th year. 

Worcester News: Runners starting the 10K.Runners starting the 10K. (Image: Newsquest)Crowds cheered and waved as they watched runners make their final sprint over the finish line in 21 degrees C heat.

Runners had started on Offerton Lane and then made their way in a loop around country roads.

Those taking part today were also running for Tempo Events' chosen charity, St Richard’s Hospice, which provides care for patients, their families and bereaved people in Worcestershire.

Worcester News: Runners walking down to the starting point in Offerton Lane.Runners walking down to the starting point in Offerton Lane. (Image: Newsquest)Rob Minton, director at Tempo Events, said: "It has been a bit of a warm day, so hopefully, our runners have suntan lotion on and look after themselves out there.

"Runners have had a great time, and when they get to the finish line, they get a medal and T-shirt and hopefully a great day out in Worcester."

Worcester News: Runners crossing the finish line.Runners crossing the finish line. (Image: Newsquest)Today's runs marked Tempo's Events' 13th year of hosting the Worcester Marathon, and entries for the 2025 marathon are already open for people to book.

Mr Minton said this year's event was a sell-out, and he had even created a waiting list for the runners.

He advises runners to book in advance so they do not miss out.