A HAMPSHIRE junior school has turned weakness into strength and won glowing praise from Ofsted inspectors.

North Baddesley Junior School has tackled weaknesses identified by inspectors last time so well that now they are among its strongest points.

Scores in national tests are now above the benchmark in all areas and often significantly so.

The inspectors were also delighted with youngsters' achievement and the quality of teaching on offer to them with fun, challenging lessons generally stretching them to their full potential.

Govenors at the school in Fleming Avenue and head teacher Sue Smith came in for particular praise for "driving forward school improvement".

Sue Smith said: "Creativity and challenge in lessons has been a key focus for the school.

"We have been working hard to ensure that all children are helped to reach their potential.

"The fact that the team commented that all curriculum areas were well above average confirms that yur initiatives have been successful."

Governors chairman Jim Bird was pleased that parents were happy with the education children were getting.

"The positive response from our parents was 'exceptionally favourable', especially regarding the provision of opportunities for pupils to develop their talents in so many ways."


Pupils of all abilities achieve well across a wide range of subjects. Pupils with special educational needs achieve very well.

Standards are well above average in English, science, art, design technology and music. They are above average in all other subjects inspected.

Pupils benefit from a very good range of learning opportunities.

Special needs pupils are supported and achieve well

The school has a strong and effective partnership with parents who are supportive and ensure children attend and on time.


The school's results in national tests show that more able pupils do not do well enough and are capable of achieving more in lessons.

Pupils do not take enough pride in the presentation of their work.

Pupils have too few opportunities for independent work in lessons.


Achievement in national tests has been well above average over the past three years and last year was above average. However, pupils are of well above average ability when they join the school.

Measures taken by the school to increase the challenge for more able pupils has been successful and standards are now well above average in English and science.

They are above average in maths, ICT, RE, history and geography and are well above average in art, music and design technology. This represents good achievement overall for pupils of all abilities.

Pupils' personal qualities, including their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development are very good.

They benefit enormously from the many opportunities they are given to take on responsibility and they are all made to feel valued.


Lessons are well planned and build well on what pupils have learnt before.

Many have a brisk pace and with pupils set firm time limits to complete pieces of work so they get a lot done.

Teachers have high expectations and lessons are challenging.

Relationships in almost all classes are very good with pupils working hard often because they are so eager to please their teachers.

Homework is used well to reinforce what is learnt in class.

Where teaching is less effective, there is too much direction from the teacher and pupils are not given enough opportunity to develop their independence.


North Baddesley Junior School, Fleming Avenue, North Baddesley

Number of pupils: 245

Age Range: 7-11

Gender of pupils: Mixed