THE man accused of murdering Hannah Foster has "told a pack of lies from start to finish", prosecutors claimed in court today.

Nicholas Haggan QC told Maninder Pal Singh Kohli "you just make it up as you go along."

The 41-year-old, giving evidence for a fourth day in his trial at Winchester Crown Court denied he was lying as he stood in the witness box.

Click here for complete coverage of the trial

Describing his arrest in India in July 2004 Mr Haggan said: "Not once did you pick up the phone and say 'come and get me.'

He added: "The dark day was coming closer as a result of all the publicity the Fosters created" during a national appeal made before Indian media when they visited the country in 2004.

Mr Haggan continued: "They (the police) got to you first, before you could have escaped into Nepal and we would never have seen you again."

Mr Haggan said Kohli could have at any moment written or telephoned police in England to give his side of the story and tell them he had been framed.

Mr Haggan said: "The evidence against you is overwhelming so you have had to come up with this fantastic story."

Kohli replied: "I was set up, it's my whole truth."

Mr Haggan suggested that Kohli had "trampled on anyone" in order to escape conviction for the abduction, false imprisonment, rape and murder of Hannah.

Being re-examined as he finished giving his evidence by defence barrister Abbas Lakha QC, Kohli told the court "I am not a liar, nothing. I am only telling truth."

Asked did he rape, kidnap and murder Hannah Foster, he said: "No way sir, nothing."

Kohli, 41, denies the charges.