JURORS retraced the final footsteps of Alan Bannon and Jim Shears – in a flat identical to the one where their tragic deaths took place.

Members of the inquest jury were bussed to Shirley Towers to be shown an example of the split-level apartments.

Although the fire broke out in a separate flat, number 72, the layout and structure of the vacant property they were examining was exactly the same.

Coroner Keith Wiseman joined jurors as they were shown how the front door into the flat leads up to a living room area.

They were shown the spot where, in the floors below, curtains caught fire after coming into contact with a bulb.

To the right, a further flight of stairs leads through a fire door to a small landing area. From there, the stairs follow on up to a second floor with two bedrooms to the left and right.

It was at this part of the building, in flat 72, where Alan Bannon and Jim Shears were eventually discovered at 9.40pm – some 45 minutes after they became “completely overcome” by the conditions they were facing.

The fire exit, which opens from the inside out, is up a final short flight of stairs.

Police say the flat where the fire took hold on April 6, 2010, has since been stripped down and has new tenants.