A MAJOR attack on the Tories’ record in local government has been launched by Communities Secretary John Denham – with Southampton City Council a major target.

Mr Denham, Labour MP for Southampton Itchen, published a dossier highlighting what he said was the real philosophy of Conservatives in power.

It follows comments by top Tories in Westminster that “Our Conservative councils will demonstrate how we will run the country.”

The document claims Conservative principles of government were revealed by the Tory Leader of Southampton Council, Alec Samuels, when he said: “We do not in principle favour ‘free this and free that’, such as swimming or transport, school meals or computers or whatever it is.”

A Labour spokeswoman said this meant the Tories would raise charges for services and place a greater burden on the poorest families.

The document also claims Tory leaders are driven by a “dogma” rather than the best interests of working families who need good, affordable public services.

Cllr Samuels is quoted, again, saying: “For ideological reasons we are going for outsourcing, externalisation, privatisation.”

And, it is claimed, Cllr Samuels is “already putting £800,000 of taxpayers’ money into the pockets of consultants so that he can pursue his dogmatic sale of local swimming pools and leisure centres”.

The dossier, Cameron’s Councils, quotes Conservative leader David Cameron saying “flexible working, family centres, relationship advice - all of these things matter”, before pointing out that in Southampton the Tory Council “tried to axe three family centres but was forced to withdrawn the plans”.

The publication marks the opening of a new offensive against the Tories which will continue over the autumn, Labour sources said.

Mr Denham, delivering his keynote address to the Labour conference in Brighton yesterdayTUES, said: “The Labour Government funds communities in every part of the country, whatever the shade of the local council.

“But I’m getting sick and tired of Cameron’s councils who take Labour investment, claim the credit for the new home, the new schools and the new play areas, and have the cheek to say it isn't enough – and all the time they are working for a Tory government that will take it all away.”

Underfunding Cllr Samuels yesterday hit back at Mr Denham, accusing him of taking his comments out of context.

The city council leader said: “We are not in the business of providing services for free at other people’s expense. We do provide services when they are required and necessary. But we are having real difficulty providing education and social services because we are underfunded and desperately short of money.”

He added: “Mr Denham’s seat is very marginal and suddenly he is taking an interest in council affairs.”

Royston Smith, deputy leader of the Tory group on Southampton City Council, described Mr Denham’s comments as an “unwarranted attack” aimed at improving the Labour MP’s chances of re-election.