NEWS of the activities of a local school teacher, expelled from the profession for inappropriate behaviour with a female pupil, is alarming enough.

That the former geography master at Arnewood School will not face any further action from police after they investigated the situation must be taken at face value.

Yet, as this paper reported yesterday and investigates further today, Tyrone Mark was found to have kept a folder of photographs of pupils at the school where he taught, images he then decorated with revolting explicit remarks. Those images, although not of an inappropriate nature in themselves, covered a ten-year period.

The school has now written to all parents of current pupils, yet there will be many exstudents who must be wondering if their photographs are part of the disgraced teacher's collection. So far no steps have been taken to attempt to contact those adults to advise them of these discoveries.

In the current climate, where historic cases of a disturbing nature are so often brought to light, this is not a matter that can be put to one side.

While stressing that Mr Mark has done nothing illegal, his actions are disturbing and the authorities need to do more to put the minds of present and past pupils at ease.