A HEAVY dose of what the Prime Minister David Cameron called common sense appears to have been dealt out in the case of little five-year-old Ashya King.

The parents of the little boy who is suffering from a brain tumour were let out of prison in Spain last night to be re-united with their terribly sick son languishing alone in a hospital 300 miles away on the Costa del Sol.

Yet with the decision of the Crown Prosecution Service to drop charges against the family it was a matter of time before they were to be brought together again.

This will not be the end of this sorry saga, of course.

Questions will go on as to what treatment little Ashya should receive and whether the actions of the authorities both in the UK and in Spain were akin to using a sledge hammer to break a nut.

But hindsight is a wonderful thing. The authorities were required to act in some measure to ensure Ashya was safe.

It is hard not to sit back and say that this, after all, was the first and greatest priority.