It’s not a huge amount, but the money announced to support museum services in Hampshire (page 9) is to be welcomed.

The £1m for Southampton and an almost similar amount for Hampshire County Council will underscore the work carried out in this vital area of both heritage protection and ensuring that residents and visitors can interact with so much the region has to offer.

Most interesting perhaps is the £21,000 – a small sum in reality – given to Southampton City Council to explore ways in which it can boost the future development of the city’s Art Gallery.

This is an area that this paper has often turned its attention to. We hear so much of the gallery’s large and world-renowned collection yet most of it must be kept hidden from view for lack of space. Seeking ways that more can be made of this asset, worth an estimated £180m, can only be applauded.

In tough financial times, the city cannot afford to not sweat the rich assets it holds in custody for the people.

Art is big business and can help to create and sustain success.

Heritage and art are important to the health, welfare and even wealth of Hampshire.