Trinity Methodist Church, Churchfields, Kidderminster, at 10.30am, All-Age Worship led by Rev Mary Austin, and at 6.30pm, led by Ray Lee. An informal service on Thursday, at 12.30pm.

Broadwaters Methodist Church, at 10.30am, led by Andrew Skitt. Foley Park Methodist Church at 10.30am, led by Philip Bridgewater, and at 6.30pm, led by Ken Mothersdale. There will be a Service of Holy Communion on Wednesday at 9.45am.

Cookley – United service of Methodists and Anglicans at St. Peter’s Church, at 9.30am, led by Janet Murray.

Any enquiries about Trinity, Foley Park or Broadwaters should be directed to Rev Mary Austin on 01562 823300.