A High Court decision on whether to overturn a cut to a controversial nightclub’s opening hours has been delayed.

Funky Mojoe, in High Road South Woodford, has appealed against a decision by Redbridge Council to limit its licence to normal pub hours after repeated problems with violence and anti-social behaviour associated with the club.

In November a judge at Barkingside Magistrates’ Court upheld the decision and a judicial review took place last week, with a decision expected on Thursday.

However, residents are still waiting anxiously for news of the outcome.

Cllr Richard Hoskins said: “I went to the review with about ten residents and the court told us that the decision was obviously very important to us and that they would try to get a decision to us by Thursday.

“Residents are anxiously awaiting the outcome of this.

“But I can see why the court might be taking its time over it. It is the first time this issue has ever been challenged at the High Court.

“This is a significant issue and is going to affect people on a national level and if the decision is upheld, it will affect licensing reviews all over the country.”