PETER Boulton, head of service management services at Transport for Greater Manchester, claimed in the Journal that the busway is an exciting plan.

He went on to say that ‘we are proud of our track record of keeping the public informed and invite feedback at all important stages of this scheme’.

Well Peter if that’s the case why didn’t Transport for Greater Manchester listen to what the public said?

The present bus services from Leigh to Manchester are well patronised and could easily be extended to south Manchester using the proposed bus priority measures, with no need for an additional guided bus service or busway.

However the bus services from Atherton are not well used as passengers prefer to use the rail link from Atherton Central Station. The guided bus will do nothing to encourage them to change their mode of transport.

Instead of spending thousands of pounds on so called improvements to Mealhouse Lane, Atherton, the money would have been better spent on improving the Central Station car park for commuters, with the introduction of a second level.

Hillside Avenue, Atherton