ONE marvels at our postal system.

In the pouring rain on Friday, April 24, I walked to post some letters in the box at the other end of our estate. Imagine my surprise the next day to find that, although they had a second class stamp on them, they were delivered!

Sadly not to the address on the front of the envelope (there was also a stamp on that side) but delivered back to me as on the back of the envelope was a very small sticker with my address on!

I have had to make another trip to the same post box. The letters were important but the recipients would not get the letters until Tuesday at the earliest, as the post will now not be collected until 5pm on Monday!

Also this week a letter was delivered to us that was for someone in Chandler’s Ford even the postcode was different to ours. I only hope that it wasn’t an important letter for the recipient.

MRS J M PALMER, address supplied.