It’s me again! Sharp-eyed readers will notice that I wrote the Christian Viewpoint last week and maybe wondering why I’m writing this again.

Well, we thought we had a system! Somewhere along the way communication has broken down so I’m penning this at the last minute!

Last week, dear reader, I asked you to consider David Cameron’s comment that we are a “Christian Country” and the various media responses.

I asked: “But what about you? What do you believe?”

I wanted simply to get people to think about this a bit more.

With such busy lives it’s easy for fundamental issues to be ignored or put on one side. We hear sweeping statements like “science has disproved God” (it hasn’t) or “I have a private faith, I’m not religious” (which usually means we don’t like the idea of being accountable).

“Religion causes all the wars” (actually atheist regimes caused more deaths in the 20th century).

Or “the problem with the world is organised religion” (don’t worry, the Christians in Keighley are clearly not organised!).

There are some big questions to be discussed here.

I’m simply making a plea for us to think before we sleepwalk into the next life without being ready.

Don’t be like the person who was due to write this article and leave it too late…