So mephedrone is to be classified as a class B controlled drug.

It's not for me to debate the rights and wrongs of that here.

If it is made illegal to possess or to supply then we will respond and tackle it along with our other drugs work, focussing mainly on those people who deal in illegal drugs and in so doing harm our community in various ways.

For me our policing enforcement role on drugs is quite clear (albeit constantly expanding!).

We also support various partnerships in the City on prevention and minimising the harm caused by drugs.

However, until we can get to the underlying issues which give rise to illegal drug use then it seems to me the requirements on us will continue to rise.

Not just the supply and use of illegal drugs but the crime committed to get those drugs or to control markets.

But what about legal drugs too? The harm caused to the City by alcohol is probably much greater in terms of scale.

The amount of crime committed through drunkeness, the way people put themselves at risk and the health implications are massive.

So anything we can do to help people make better choices about how they seek stimulation, excitement or an escape from their daily routine must be a good thing.

The Global Rock Challenge is one fantastic example of a scheme which started in Hampshire and is now international. A drug free high for young people through music and dance. The regional finals are happening soon and it's a great event. Then there is SKAA, Southampton Kids Alcohol Awareness - another great scheme where young people can learn how to have fun without having to get drunk.

The next SKAA event is on 13th April at Oceana. If you care about helping kids to learn safer ways to have fun and about the impact and dangers of alcohol then get them to go to this event.

Finally more good work this last weekend by the emergency services and council in responding to the potentially horrific collapse of part of a building at Weston.

Terrifying for the residents but also what a difficult scene to arrive at and to try and make sense of. Well done to everyone who attended from all the services.