SOMETIMES life can get more than a little confusing, especially where First Bus are involved.

The number 3 bus route from Lordshill to Fairfax Court is a particular puzzle to me.

The number 3, First Bus call it ‘service’, is anything but. It is, and this opinion is shared by many, to be very kind to First Bus, a shambles.

Now, to everyone’s amazement, First Bus have had a timetable booklet published dealing exclusively with route 3.

Unfortunately, just like other earlier timetables it is meaningless, and a total waste of paper.

It advertises a ten minute service, something that they have NEVER been able to achieve. Despite the introduction of the new shiny red buses, the whole route is a mess.

They, along with the older buses, wander back and forth, often in twos or threes, across the city with no apparent organisation.

I would like to add that I do not blame the drivers, but some ‘organiser’, and I use the term loosely, in some distant office.

A CAWS, Aldermoor, Southampton.