IT’S a well known fact Hitler always wanted to rule all of Europe and Great Britain – he failed thank God and the EU was his idea to get what he wanted for Germany anyway.

And, through a German-ruled EU, bit by bit it’s gradually taking place and could so easily drag us into a Third World War with Russia.

That is why Russian President Vladimir Putin is protecting his borders as the German-run EU has become a threat to Russia.

Putin doesn’t want a war – who in their right mind does – but if pushed into a corner, who knows?

Some people call President Putin a tyrant, then why do they want to give up one for another?

Money – that’s what it all boils down to in the end.

Or have they, the people, such short memories they have forgotten the Second World War so easily?

Personally I can’t wait for this country to get out of the EU as Germany is getting stronger and we are getting weaker as a country.

This is because of the German-ruled EU and all its dictating and a weak Prime Minister who goes along with it all.

The engine is running but there is no one behind the wheel!


Editor's note: Adolf Hitler died a number of years prior to the creation of what we now know as the European Union (EU) and played no part in its inception or formation.