WITH the greatest of respect to all those who decided to go on strike, it is a gift to the Conservative Party and Liberal Coalition, proving that left-wing politics destroys our country.

The trade unions and Labour Party have torn apart what was once our manufacturing and industrial base. And of course our rivals took advantage of that. Which is why we are in the position now of needing cooperation from our EU partners. So many people here did not ‘Buy British’.

They were disloyal and now complain about foreign investors and employers keeping this country afloat.

I do appreciate that firefighters, teachers and so on have a difficult job. But please do remember most of them are paid for by the taxpayer, who themselves are not all having it so good.

The strikers themselves are taxpayers.

I can imagine our rivals, smiling to themselves and thinking, “those British are out on strike again. Will they ever learn?”

Before anyone says, “it is all right for him”, meaning, myself. No, it isn’t.

I have been broke all of my life, having to look after others for no reward.