IT was with great interest that I read of all the forthcoming developments in our city, and hope they come into fruition in the the fullness of time.

The only exception being the super-casino, which is crazy, for all the obvious reasons. It may be a big earner, but do we need to make money this way?

With the enhancement of our city in mind, I would like to put forward another idea. The area around the Bargate has been an eyesore for years, and will continue to be so, as smaller shops that have been struggling to survive there are no longer viable. Society has moved on and shops differently.

What I think would greatly enhance and give that part of town, including East Street, the lift it needs is elegant town houses, giving this neglected area some standing and prestige.

The poor old Bargate has stood amid a run-down part of town for long enough. Let’s show it off to its best advantage – we have every reason to do so.