TONY Blair, where are you? Hostilities in Libya, Syria, Iraq and Palestine, are resulting in the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent children, men and women.

Where is our Middle East peace envoy, the warmonger Tony Blair, appointed by warmonger George W Bush?

Perhaps, he is still swanning around the world, giving lectures to those people, gullible enough, to pay through the nose to hear his tripe.

All the proceeds are contributing to his already vast wealth.

Blair was the worst Prime Minister this country has ever had. We are still paying for his mistakes, both militarily and economically.

The families of our courageous and wonderful, servicemen and women, sent to fight by Bliar (the spelling is correct) in unwinnable wars, will grieve their entire lives whilst this man puts more and more money in to his bank account.

Socialist? Hardly. Attlee, Bevan and Benn must be spinning in their graves!

TREVOR REES, Southampton.