WE have come to expect unenthusiastic comments from D R Smith towards myself and Cllr Keith Morrell and that’s all fine and dandy to a degree, but his recent letter (“Not deep enough” potholes a nuisance, Daily Echo, August 16) seems sadly to becoming more spiteful and even quite nasty claiming we are “surreptitious”.

We have always made it very clear the two clusters of potholes along this stretch of Coxford Road (which are going to be fixed) have been achieved by the residents of Lordswood as the local representatives we did hand in the petition, which again was organised by a local Lordswood resident.

Yes, we played a small part in putting the case forward why these potholes needed fixing, but it was the Lordswood residents taking up this issue that accomplished the end result.

Although Labour’s record is not good let’s just hope Mr Smith and Labour don’t see this as an opportunity to now try to take the credit away from the deserving of praise Lordswood residents.

DON THOMAS, Southampton City Councillor (Independent).