I READ the article “Health bosses are stalling over fluoride” (October 15). I’m glad that Cllr Simon Letts does not seem to be in favour of enforced fluoridation, but I’m not totally in agreement with his call for a referendum.

If even one person does not want to drink this chemical, no matter what anybody else wants, then it’s not acceptable to force them to drink it.

There are very few illnesses where a doctor can compel a patient to have treatment against his will.

In a referendum, great care would need to be taken to ask an unbiased question which does not lead or influence the person voting. Sometimes in the past, a biased question was asked in surveys, such as “If fluoride could help children’s teeth, would you be in favour?”

The question would need to be a neutral “Do you want fluoride to be added to your tap water supply?” Tick Yes or No.

The idea of adding a chemical to tap water to bring about changes in the bodies of a whole population is just not ethical. If your neighbours wanted you to take a medication you don’t need, would you take it? Of course not.

A WILLS, Ruislip.