KUDOS to Mr Colin Hingston (letters, December 11) for the points he made about UKIP’s policy on immigration.

May I be allowed to expand a little on what he wrote?

To quote the whole manifesto would make this letter far too long but, in a nutshell, UKIP welcomes immigrants, whether from the EU or from the rest of the world.

But don’t let’s be ridiculous. We can’t, in this crowded welfare state, take in all and sundry wanting our benefits, which – did you know? – includes expensive interpreters on demand.

UKIP is just asking that people who want to live in England should arrive with a good working knowledge of English, a job to go to, somewhere to live when they get here, and health insurance to prevent immediate use of our National Health Service.

Once they have paid taxes and National Insurance for five years, they would be entitled to our benefits and British citizenship would eventually follow. Is that racism? I think not.

There are many misconceptions about UKIP.

I urge people to take every advantage of learning UKIP’s policies between now and the general election in May.

MOLLY CHANDLER, Southampton.