I would just like to say a very big and slightly belated thank you to Sylvie and her staff at Fareham Shopping Centre for accommodating us, the Gosport Scout Gang Show 2015, and letting us have our annual carol singing and charity collection in the community area outside BHS/Debenhams in the precinct in the seasonal period at the end of last year.

We collected a very welcome £279.15 and £336.50 respectively from the very kind passers-by and shoppers on December 14 and 21, and cannot thank the general public enough for their kind offerings either, as this money goes towards housing the thousands and thousands of costumes and props, etc that are painstakingly made and looked after by Joan Cook and are also available for hire on 023 9235 8214.

All hire income goes directly back into maintaining the costume and props facilities for our own future shows.

CLIVE PITTARD, Gosport District Scout leader/Scout active support manager, on behalf of the Gosport Scout Gang Show 2015.