I LIVE in a cul-de-sac and very often delivery lorries block the vehicle exit from our road.

In the main the drivers are courteous and accommodating and we residents are patient. Not so yesterday!

The lorry had just drawn up to make his delivery as I had started my car up to go to an appointment.

I ran to the driver, who had not unsecured his load yet, and asked him if he could just back up a little to let me through. He said no, he would be 20 minutes.

So feeling upset at his attitude I phoned the police, thinking that if he was blocking the highway it was a police matter. Wrong.

I was told that it is a council matter – that’s who I pay my taxes to – and the police are for solving crime!

So I phoned the council. Eventually I was through to the right department.

I felt the need to know my rights for future reference. I was told I would need to take the name of the delivery company and phone them myself!

So it seems I have no right to be able to exit my road when I wish and there’s no one to turn to for help.

I was on the phone for 25 minutes – and yes, the lorry had gone by then and boy was I frustrated!