The latest demand by the European Union for Britain to pledge another £1 billion in foreign aid to fit in with EU rules and their new accounting, reveals the arrogance of a federalist Union, determined to show their indomitable power in extracting the last pound of flesh that would have made Shylock proud.

Britain has a national debt of over £1.3 trillion and George Osborne is looking to borrow £91 billion to meet this year’s deficit, with our Defence budget likely to fall below Nato’s target.

Britain already spends nearly £12billion a year on foreign aid, and at a time when the Coalition government had to resort to austerity measures to cut our domestic spending on all fronts, including local and city councils making taxpayers redundant in all our essential services, border control, prison and police forces had to be pared down to dangerous levels, the EU is flexing its muscles in the face of our electoral voters as well as all our political parties.

New Accounting methods are due to come into force in 2016, and Britain has already met last year’s pointlessly imposed target of 0.7 per cent of GDP – we are the second-largest aid donor in the world. This kind of demand by the EU indicates how little control David Cameron has over EU leaders. The Prime Minister will have no more power to reform the EU than in the past five years in office, his offer of an EU in-out referendum is but an empty promise.

UKIP leader Nigel Farage was right all along; there is little sign of any reform possible from the inflexible EU, David Cameron knows it too well from past experience.

UKIP is the only party able to lead us towards free trade globally under the World Trade Organisation, control our borders and limit the number of immigrants to give us all a fairer Britain.