I WAS interested and very perturbed at the problems evolving at the Southampton City Council as reported on the 15th May.

What on earth is going on? I have the feeling we seem to be run by a load of school children now the elections are over.

There are councillors Smith and Moulton trying to score brownie points which I have to say I have witnessed in Chambers before, there are councillors resigning because they can not get their own way.

How are we supposed to get problems solved for the benefit of the city with this behaviour going on?

I suggest all councillors realise that behaviour should have been left at the school gates years ago and they should start concentrating on the job we the public elected them for to make this a city to be proud of and a safe place to live in.

The elections are over and now all factions should work together and work through the major problems with respect for each others opinions and suggestions and work towards a conclusion to that is of benefit to the city.