WHAT a load of rubbish Europhile R Thomson (letters 4 April) comes out with, trying to convince us that it would be in our interest to remain hog-tied to the disastrous melee the EU represents.

He knows full well that overall we do in fact import far more from the EU than we export, the fact we also trade with other countries outside the EU tells us obviously that the other twenty seven member countries can also do the same so why should anything, where our, or their trade levels alter if we left?

Surely they would expand their trade now if they were in a position to do so, to us included.

Nationalism and border controls is not, as R. Thomson suggests a load of claptrap, and his suggestion or mention of peace and what he suggests is our rightful place in this mad mish-mash of bureaucratic badly-governed foreign countries of very varying economic standings is an insult to any true British citizen.

The very fact that we are (at the moment) the second strongest economy within the EU would surely put us in a prime position to go our separate way (soon, as I imagine to be followed by other countries) which would eventually see the rest of what was left of the lesser countries to crumble and go their separate ways also, only then would real peace return to Europe, and hopefully to Syria and the rest of the middle east (these migrants could then go back home) including many from eastern EU countries.

Roll on June 23 and Brexit day.

L. A. O’Bee
