I WAS actually a patient myself in the General Hospital when I read (June 29) that a cull of feral pigeons (Rock Doves) was taking place and that another patient had become upset at the project.

Strange as it seems, I had only that moment been watching these birds pitching on the windowsills opposite and thinking about the mess they create.

Being a bird watcher cum-photographer over many years, I am sorry to say I have excluded this particular species in my love of birds purely on the grounds of their dirty habits.

There is an old saying (You never see a young pigeon!) the reason for this is because they never leave the nest until they are as big as the adult.

If anyone has studied these birds at nesting time they would see what a dirty bird they are, never cleaning the nest so the young spend their time sitting on their droppings until the day they fledge.

Unfortunately humans have caused these birds to inhabit the place we also exist in so we have only ourselves to blame and such culls are necessary at times when they become a nuisance and of course a health hazard.

L. A. O’Bee
