HAVING watched Question Time last week, as a curious person I wondered how we ever got into such a club as the Euro government.

We did not, all those years ago, really need to join such a club. Britain always stood alone and as a nation of shopkeepers, even if we had not succumbed to the offer of membership, we still have survived, as many other countries devastated by the Second World War. 

Initially we were invited to join something called the common market, which sounded a good idea. 

How we managed to slide into allowing ourselves to be governed by a group of continentals, I do not remember. 

I presume it must have been with the blessings of whoever was in power at the time. 

Hence this mess we find ourselves in.

With the referendum we at last realised that we did not need the unnecessary expense, and why be told how to run our country. 

The other countries that comprise the British Isles must surely realise that our national identity was being eradicated, and one would hope support us. 

The referendum was an approved election-type motion, and as the majority voted for their liberty it must be honoured.

My advice to the remoaners is get on with making us a success. 

If what I read in the press can be relied on, we are on the up and up already. 

Whatever your politics you must realise that Prime Minister May is doing what we already wanted, on acting honestly on finalising this business.
More power to her elbow!

Alan Blandford, Southampton.